6th Grade Portal - 2024-25 school year
Information Presentation
Specialty Elective Applications
The deadline to submit applications has passed.
Enrollment in Choir, Band, and Orchestra is open, sign up below
Music Electives - Band, Choir and Orchestra
CLICK HERE to sign up and learn more!
Music Electives are yearlong music courses that can be taken in lieu of an elective. Be part of the music! Join the fun and be part of our music family! Music classes are the only classes that you can sign up with a friend.
Band & Orchestra Info
Band & Orchestra is for anyone! We offer classes that require no experience up to advanced classes. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Stoffel, at [email protected]. Here are class offerings:
Beginning Band & Orchestra No experience required! We start right from the beginning. Orchestra classes offer instruction in string instruments and band classes offer instruction in woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments.
Intermediate Band & Orchestra
These classes are for students with previous experience. Most 7th graders with previous experience belong in this class. We play music a level higher than the elementary advanced level classes.
Advanced Band & Orchestra
These classes are made up of mostly 8th graders and require an audition. You can find audition material at our website: Advanced Band & Orchestra Auditions
Choir Info
All students are welcome to join choir! If you have experience or want a challenge, sign up for Chamber Choir. If you are new to singing, beginning choir is the place for you. No audition is necessary, but if you'd like to submit a short, 30 second video (think "Happy Birthday" or one verse and one chorus of your favorite song), you can email a video to [email protected] or email to set up a face to face Zoom. I look forward to meeting you all in choir next year!
Student Handbook for 2024/25
Math Placement Testing
Rancho Pico offers two math courses for all incoming 7th-grade students, Math 7 and Accelerated Math 7.
Our Math 7 course provides students with a rigorous curriculum that will prepare your child with the necessary skills and concepts to meet the 7th grade Common Core State Standards. The majority of students will take this course during the 7th grade.
Students who qualify for our Accelerated Math 7 course will complete the Common Core State Standards for the Math 7 and Math 8 curriculum in one year. This course will move at a much faster pace and the workload will be significantly more demanding. Students who successfully complete this course will take Common Core Honors Algebra I in 8th grade.
In order to qualify for Accelerated Math 7, students must earn a minimum score of 85% on the Hart District’s math placement test.
The placement test will be taken digitally on a computer. If your child is interested in taking the accelerated math course, they will have an opportunity to take the placement test this spring. If your child attends a public elementary school in the Santa Clarita Valley, your child’s elementary school will administer the test sometime in late April (Saugus Union District) or May (Newhall District) and will provide you with additional information once testing dates are finalized.
Test results will be sent directly to Rancho Pico and will be mailed home in June.
For specific questions, please contact Erin McHorney, our mathematics department chair. She can be reached via email at [email protected].
Registration and Vaccination Requirements
All vaccinations including TDAP must be entered into our computer prior to registration. Our goal is to have all immunizations entered by July 1st. If you have received a call that you are missing vaccinations, please provide us with that information prior to July 1st. Your registration will be delayed if we do not have your updated immunizations entered.
Infinite Campus Account Creation
Infinite Campus is our district's online gradebook program. Account creation is required to be able to access student grades and reports. You can begin the process for creating your account with this link: Account Creation
For more information please see our district's information page found here: https://www.hartdistrict.org/apps/pages/infinite-campus
City Bus Information
Bus service is offered through the city. The phone number for Santa Clarita City Transit is 661-294-7287. You can also visit their website at www.santaclaritatransit.com
School Food Program
Food information for our district can be found through this link https://www.hartdistrict.org/apps/pages/food-services