Dealing with Bullies

Dealing with Bullies

Dealing with Bullies

The best way to deal with a bully is to stay away from him/her.  A bully is looking for a reaction, so if your child is ever the target of a bully, encourage them to ignore him/her, or give the bully a look that says, “This is really stupid.”  Then walk away.

If your child is having a problem with a bully, they need to have a voice in how the situation is handled.  They should let their friends know what’s going on and ask for their support.   You or your child should contact your child’s counselor if a bully ever threatens, or causes a problem. 

If a bully is causing your child problems, chances are he/she is also causing problems for other students.  If a counselor is aware of what’s happening, you are not only taking actions to protect your child, you are making Rancho Pico a better, safer place for everyone.

Bullies want power.  They also like to have an audience.  Since bullies are influenced by how other people react, bystanders can help discourage a student from being bullied.  Bystanders need to let bullies know that their behavior is “not cool” and that it is not acceptable.  Bystanders are important in stopping students from being bullies.